little art house camp: president's day • ages 4 years old-2nd grade (3 spots left)
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February & March Art Classes

Session classes with Little Art House on Thursdays at The Getalong.

Mini Makers
10 am / 11 am / 3:15 pm
ages 1–3 years old

Extended Art Class
1:30 am
ages 4 years old–2nd grade

PERSONALIZED SPACE & MATERIALS. During this time, students will have their own set seats during each class or camp with the appropriate distance between each seat. Materials will be designated to each student to use throughout their time in the studio and cleaned throughly after each class/camp. Students will also be taught to maintain distance during transitions.

SCREENINGS & MASKS. All teachers will wear masks during classes & camps. Anyone entering the studio will be screened with a no-contact thermometer to check temperatures & sanitize hands upon entry. **Masks are required for ages 2+ (even when in socially distanced seats).

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