little art house camp: spring break 10-14 • ages 4 years old-2nd grade (join us for one day or more!)
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Journal — reading

Reading and Performance with Ketch Secor

performance reading storytime

Ketch Secor Reading and Performance Sunday, March 31 at 4 pm Grammy Award–winning musician Ketch Secor will be reading from his debut picture book, Lorraine, which was released this past October. To make sure you get in for this special reading and live performance, we'll begin taking preorders for his book Lorraine starting Wednesday, March 13, at 10 am. With each preorder, your name will be on the list guaranteeing you get in for the event. Purchase of a book includes entry for up to two adults and three children. We are taking preorders in person at The Getalong through March 29. If space is available, we...

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