Outdoor Winter Music Session

After taking the spring and summer off, we pivoted our music classes with Tenn Little Birds from indoors to outdoors, and we're thrilled to host them for our second semester of Outdoor Music Together™ classes.

We have three class options:
Musical Parenting Group (infants–9 months old)
Family Classes (infants–5 years old)
Rhythm Kids (4–8 years old)

Feel free to contact Director, Allison Link with any questions at (615) 358-8544 or email at info@tennlittlebirds.com.

Winter Semester Length:  8 weeks, February 1 - March 27

BABIES INTRODUCTORY PRICE: First Child: $160, **FREE with registered sibling in CyBC, Mixed Ages, or Rhythm Kids.

Fridays 12:30–1:15 pm
Saturdays 12:30–1:15 pm

FAMILY CLASSES (Bells Collection)
WINTER TUITION: First Child: $190, Sibling: $125, **Third Sibling and Siblings under 9 months FREE

Wednesdays 2–2:45 pm / 3–3:45 pm
Fridays 10–10:45 am / 11–11:45 am / 2–2:45 pm / 3–3:45 pm
Saturdays 10–10:45 am / 11–11:45 am

  • Tuition covers:  8 classes in-person outdoors (weather dependent), music and songbook (as well as all the research and teacher education, etc., that supports your family's music making), and access to all online content for Music Together Online.
  • There will be no in-person make-up or bonus classes. If your family has to miss a class, you can schedule a make-up in a Zoom class for that week. You are also invited to attend drop-in classes in online classes as well. 
  • Outside classes are closed to families not enrolled in the class. Make-ups and drop-ins will not be allowed in outside classes.
  • Outside classes are held on a weather-permitting basis. In cases of inclement weather, class will be held via Zoom. 
  • Outdoor families have access to all Music Together On Demand content.

RHYTHM KIDS (Elephant Collection)
Winter Tuition: First Child: $190, Sibling: $125,
 **Third Sibling FREE

Wednesdays 4–4:45 pm

Rhythm Kids is an exciting music, movement, and drumming class where children integrate and assimilate rhythm into their lives, as they:

  • Learn, create, discover and explore music, movement and drumming.
  • Enjoy age-appropriate ways to play rhythm instruments (shakers, tambourines, etc.)
  • Explore traditional drumming patterns through animal names and movements.
  • Experience drumming, song and dance from around the world (Mali, Puerto Rico, Turkey, etc.)
  • Find new ways to connect mind, body, and voice through rhythm.
  • Develop skill in improvising, soloing, conducting, composition, and improvisation.
  • Participate in active musical games that are both enriching and totally fun!

Tuition includes:

  • Weekly, 45-minute classes
  • Animal Collection Songbook and CD each semester
  • Access to online video tutorials, music reading readiness activities, and play-alongs

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