little art house camp: spring break 10-14 • ages 4 years old-2nd grade (join us for one day or more!)
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Summer Saturdays: Tie Dye • July 10 & August 21

Drop-In Mini Makers
ages 1–4 years old
9:30–10 am & 10:30–11 am

Drop-In Art Class
ages 4–18+ years old
12–12:30 pm & 12:45–1:15 pm

Pre-register here. Space is limited.

Drop-In Mini Makers
A blend between Petite Painters and Creative Play, this class offers an opportunity for siblings or single artists of a broader age to join class! Little artists, ages 1-4yrs., are invited to come imagine new concepts, explore various mediums, and to create original works of art weekly :) We will read a book, create a work of art and then have time for sensory play. This class is teacher lead but also requires more participation from adult accompanying the little artist.

Drop-In Art Class
If Tie Dye isn't one of the ultimate summer activities, we don't know what is! Join our Tie Dying expert Leighton as she shows you all of the tricks to make a super cool tie dyed item.

It is BYOB one larger item (shirt, bag, etc.) OR two smaller items (socks, bandana, etc.). We provide the dye, tools, tips & tricks and clean up the mess!

**PRIVATE TIE DYE classes available upon request including reverse Tie Dying and the dip method.**

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