little art house camp: spring break 10-14 • ages 4 years old-2nd grade (join us for one day or more!)
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mouse | sled (new!)
mouse | sled (new!)
mouse | sled (new!)

mouse | sled (new!)

Regular price $14.00 $0.00
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This wooden sled is the perfect accessory during wintertime when the snow is falling. It fits the smaller mice perfectly in size. Keep the string attached, so it is easy to pull the sled around in the snow.

Height: 1.50in, Width: 4.13in, Depth: 1.77in, Net weight: 0.04lb

Height: 5.50cm, Width: 11.00cm, Length: 5.00cm, Cubage: 302.50cm, Net weight: 0.02kg




Wipe to clean.

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