thank you please come again: how gas stations feed & fuel the american south
THANK YOU PLEASE COME AGAIN : How Gas Stations Feed & Fuel the American South - A Photographic Road Trip by Kate Medley ~ with Powerful Opening Essay by Kiese Laymon.
THANK YOU PLEASE COME AGAIN is the documentation of Kate Medley’s many road trips across the South photographing our service stations, convenience stores, and quick stops. Along the way, Kate pulls over for tamales, fried fish, and banh mi, but her images uncover the people and landmarks that supply far more than food and gas.
In an ever more divided America, these iconic gathering spaces provide unexpected community, generosity, labor, and creativity. Are these rural and urban pit stops the true “filling stations” of our time? In words and nearly 200 incredible images from the American South, Kate Medley shares her answers.
THANK YOU PLEASE COME AGAIN is an art book and a heart book. We can’t wait for you to experience it.
- Hardbound
- 9'' x 11''
- 250 pages featuring nearly 200 photos
- Essays by Kiese Laymon & Kate Medley