little art house camp: spring break 10-14 • ages 4 years old-2nd grade (join us for one day or more!)
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Art Camp & Mini Makers

Now, something we’re very excited to announce: Little Art House is planning for their Summer Art Camps and Mini Makers classes. The goal is a June start. And registration is open! Class sizes have been reduced, so there are a limited number of spots available. Of course things are subject to change and know that they’re following all CDC and Metro guidelines. Students will have their own entrance through our back gate located on S 7th Street. Feel free to reach out directly to Little Art House via email——with any questions or concerns. Link to register here!

Art Camp // ages 4 years old–2nd grade
M–F 1:30–4:30 pm (drop-off)
Register for one day, a week, or the whole summer!

Mini Makers // ages 1–3 years old
Th 10–10:45 am & 11–11:45 am

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